This is in the process of being edited. so far chapters 1-3 have been edited, 3 very heavily. so if things are a little out of place, it's because i haven't gotten to fixing that chapter yet. please forgive, and read at any rate, as, in terms of continuity at least, it is only minor adjustments that must be made.

[in which there is a great deal of foreshadowing and coke induced madness, but sadly not much else]


Day I: Imagination
in which we are introduced to claris and sean and a nightmare is had.

Day II: Realization
in which we see claris' daily school life.

Day III: Actualization
in which we take in a movie.

Day IV: Arrival
in which we meet alistair.

Day V: Conflict
in which we go to school again.

Day VI: Destruction
in which we have mass property destruction.

Day VII: Omega
in which we witness the beginning of the end and the end of the beginning.

[in which there is still coke induced madness, but hopefully very much else]

Episode I: Birth and Descension
in which everything begins again.

Episode II: Fear and Loathing
in which tensions are built and ireul is a freaky, freaky bastard.

Episode III: Blood and Humility
in which a surprisingly large amount of stuff happens.

Episode IV: Strength and Weakness
in which there is quite a lot of conversation, a bit of doing, and far too many trees.

Episode V: Heaven and Earth
in which there is also abit of hell in between.

Episode VI: Reality and Illusion 
in which there is quite a bit of fighting.

Episode VII: Purity and Desecration
in which we start to get fucking serious.

Episode VIII: Memory and Delirium
in which the plot sickens.

Episode IX: Revelation and Obscurity 
in which some things are found and others are lost.

Episode X: Horn and Ivory (NEW 03/08/07)
in which some things are true and some are false.

The Shuffle of Angels' Feet
donovan and leliel swing dance

Donovan + Lucius + a kitten
might possibly give you cavities

FALSE Episode VIII: Friends and Enemies
april fool's mary sue parody

The Abomination
a filthy, filthy slash parody

Christmas Special 2002
holiday sap

a story from sean's point of view

donovan's point of view

Sailorclaris & Tuxedo Sean VS. Sailormarysue
don't ask XD;