NAME: Anael
MEANING: N/A: Angel of Sexuality 
AGE: looks 27
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: Mutable (changes depending on gender)
LIKES: Science, dissection, solitude
DISLIKES: Foolishness, idiocy, naivete

Anael comes off as creepier than he actually is, in part because of his demeanor and mannerisms and in part because he has a tendency to switch genders at random.  There's not much of a personality change between his male and female form; it is mostly that sometimes he feels like a nut and sometimes he doesn't (haha, nut).  Anael views the world as a detached observer, or at least that how it seems to most who know him.  He is interested in learning the whys and hows of everything, even the icky stuff--especially the icky stuff.  He doesn't particularly delight in gore, but it seems not to bother him in the slightest: if you've sickened Anael, then you've gone far above and beyond the pale.  Despite his odd personality and abilities, Anael is not a bad person, nor he is entirely lacking in empathy.  It is just that he thinks more than he feels, and this is evident in all that he says and does.
Anael has blond hair with some strawberry highlights and bright blue eyes.  The shape of his features and body changes depending on gender--ostensibly, his female form has more curves than his male, et cetera.  His voice always remains androgynous, however.